
Monday, August 31, 2009

Sway - Michael Bubble

When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
You know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dinner during Ramadhan

Birthday party and Acara Buka Puasa (breaking fast? haha) at Rice Bowl Plaza Semanggi - Jakarta. What is great about the occasion is the silaturahim and continuem of co workers good relationship.. made a lot of good laughs, and before Adzan Isya calls, we have already gone home with content. Someone at home has already awaits with his cheerful little smile.. no signs of sleepiness from his eyes.. and guess what he said : "mau bobo sama mama.." means "wanna sleep with mama" .. i hurrily hug him, n soon take him to bed in my arms..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Snow Country - Yasunari Kawabata

Here is the review from :

Snow Country (Yukiguni) is the first full-length novel by the Nobel Prize-winning Japanese author Yasunari Kawabata. The novel established Kawabata as one of Japan's foremost authors and became an instant classic.

Snow Country is a stark tale of a love affair between a Tokyo dilettante and a provincial geisha that takes place in the remote hot spring (onsen) town of Yuzawa (Kawabata himself did not mention the name of the town in his novel).

The hot springs in that region were home to inns, visited by men traveling alone and in groups, where paid female companionship had become a staple of the economy. The geisha of the hot springs enjoyed nothing like the social status of their more artistically-trained sisters in Kyoto and Tokyo and were usually little more than prostitutes whose brief careers inevitably ended in a downward spiral. The choice of one of these women as the heroine lends a sense of tragedy to the atmosphere of the book.

The liaison between the geisha, Komako, and the male protagonist, a wealthy loner who is a self-appointed expert on Western ballet, is thus doomed to failure. The nature of that failure and the parts played by others form the theme of the book.

As his most potent symbol of this 'counter-Western modernity,' the rural geisha, Komako, of his novel Snow Country embodies Kawabata's conception of traditional Japanese beauty by taking Western influence and subverting it to traditional Japanese forms. Having no teacher available, she hones her technique on the traditional samisen instrument by untraditionally relying on sheet music and radio broadcasts. Her lover, Shimamura, comments that, “the publishing gentleman would be happy if he knew he had a real geisha—not just an ordinary amateur—practicing from his scores way off here in the mountains.”

Onsen geisha Matsuei, the actual person upon whom Kawabata based the character Komako in the novel.

Scarlett - Movie Classic

A Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's "gone with the wind"

here is a review from :
This soapy but highly watchable television "sequel" to Gone with the Wind, the most popular Hollywood movie ever made, has nothing to do with memories of a vanished antebellum South. But it does end up in Ireland, where the determined Scarlett O'Hara Butler (played with frosty passion by Joanne Whalley-Kilmer) turns hard times into an opportunity by buying the ancestral home of her family. Before that happens, however, Scarlett fights to win back the estranged Rhett Butler (manfully portrayed by Timothy Dalton), often seen in the company of other women, struggles for control over the homestead Tara, and gets caught in yet another compromising position with poor Ashley Wilkes (Stephen Collins). The troubles never stop (Scarlett's Ireland adventures land her in a heap of trouble from which only Rhett can save her), but this TV miniseries wisely keeps the focus on these captivating characters, their entangled histories, and the collective destiny that refuses to part them. The show also looks good: the location scenes in Ireland are particularly handsome, and there is something unaccountably satisfying about seeing Scarlett and Rhett walking through peaceful green hills. Enjoy. --Tom Keogh

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Burger's Daughter - Nadine Gordimer

To me, this book is simply reserved for a long long holiday.. (:p)

Review from :

Rosa Burger grew up in a home under constant surveillance by the South African government. Her parents were detained for their political beliefs; her father died in prison, and her mother, whose health suffered from her time in jail, eventually dies. Rosa, a white South African in her early 20s, is left the only surviving member of her family. Yet even after her parents' deaths, the history of their anti-apartheid beliefs and practices have a daily impact on her life: it seems everyone has expectations of her and the government is still watching. A quiet, private person, Rosa constantly searches her memories to find herself, to grasp this heritage that weighs her down. Over a period of several years Rosa comes to understand the impact of the South African political climate on her and how she became who she is. The narrative style varies from straightforward storytelling to Rosa's most personal thoughts. In Burger's Daughter, Nobel Prize-winner Nadine Gordimer takes a situation most read about in newspapers and makes it real, creating a memorable story of coming to terms with circumstances over which we have little control, yet which directly affect our lives. --Holly Smith

7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R Covey

I am frankly still stuck at Habit 2...
Here is the review from :

habit 1 - be proactive®

This is the ability to control one's environment, rather than have it control you, as is so often the case. Self determination, choice, and the power to decide response to stimulus, conditions and circumstances

habit 2 - begin with the end in mind®

Covey calls this the habit of personal leadership - leading oneself that is, towards what you consider your aims. By developing the habit of concentrating on relevant activities you will build a platform to avoid distractions and become more productive and successful.

habit 3 - put first things first®

Covey calls this the habit of personal management. This is about organising and implementing activities in line with the aims established in habit 2. Covey says that habit 2 is the first, or mental creation; habit 3 is the second, or physical creation. (See the section on time management.)

habit 4 - think win-win®

Covey calls this the habit of interpersonal leadership, necessary because achievements are largely dependent on co-operative efforts with others. He says that win-win is based on the assumption that there is plenty for everyone, and that success follows a co-operative approach more naturally than the confrontation of win-or-lose.

habit 5 - seek first to understand and then to be understood®

One of the great maxims of the modern age. This is Covey's habit of communication, and it's extremely powerful. Covey helps to explain this in his simple analogy 'diagnose before you prescribe'. Simple and effective, and essential for developing and maintaining positive relationships in all aspects of life. (See the associated sections on Empathy, Transactional Analysis, and the Johari Window.)

habit 6 - synergize®

Covey says this is the habit of creative co-operation - the principle that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, which implicitly lays down the challenge to see the good and potential in the other person's contribution.

habit 7 - sharpen the saw®

This is the habit of self renewal, says Covey, and it necessarily surrounds all the other habits, enabling and encouraging them to happen and grow. Covey interprets the self into four parts: the spiritual, mental, physical and the social/emotional, which all need feeding and developing.

Stephen Covey's Seven Habits are a simple set of rules for life - inter-related and synergistic, and yet each one powerful and worthy of adopting and following in its own right. For many people, reading Covey's work, or listening to him speak, literally changes their lives. This is powerful stuff indeed and highly recommended.

This 7 Habits summary is just a brief overview - the full work is fascinating, comprehensive, and thoroughly uplifting. Read the book, or listen to the full tape series if you can get hold of it.

In his more recent book 'The 8th Habit', Stephen Covey introduced (logically) an the eighth habit, which deals with personal fulfilment and helping others to achieve fulfilment too. The book also focuses on leadership. Time will tell whether the The 8th Habit achieves recognition and reputation close to Covey's classic original 7 Habits work.

Meminta dan Mencinta - Amru Muhammad Khalid

Dalam buku ini, halaman demi halaman, Amru Muhammad Khalid seperti menggandeng tangan dengan cara yang indah, untuk segera laksanakan Shalat yang kenikmatannya sangat baik sekali beliau deskripsikan, berdo'a, zikir, Haji dan membaca Al-quran..

Sinopsis dari Serambi :

Menyenangkan dan menenangkan. Begitulah seharusnya kala kita melaksanakan ibadah. Tapi kenapa kita justru merasakan hal sebaliknya—berat dan terbebani?
Itu, tutur buku ini, karena kita belum mencicipi manisnya beribadah. Buku ini menuntun kita agar ibadah tidak lagi menjadi sekadar kewajiban atau karena takut terhadap siksa akhirat, melainkan sebagai wahana untuk menumbuhkan kemuliaan jiwa, ketenteraman batin, kesuksesan hidup, dan kebahagiaan manusia sebagai hamba Allah.
Dengan gaya ungkap yang dialogis dan memandu, ibada-ibadah ritual—salat, zikir, haji, dan membaca Quran—diulas tuntas tata pelaksanaan, keutamaan, dan manfaatnya, sedemikian rupa sehingga pembaca menyadari betapa semua itu adalah hadiah dan anugerah Allah bagi hamba-Nya yang beriman.

How could you do that?! - Dr. Laura Schlessinger

I ve only reached about 100 pages, and its getting hotter, Dr Laura advices people who "justify" their wrongs and give credit n spirit to ones doing right. So far i like the quotation from Abraham Lincoln's :

"It is the eternal struggle between these two principles -- right and wrong -- throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time; and will ever continue to struggle."
Here is a description from :

The reason so many Americans feel lost and unhappy, explains Dr. Schlessinger, is that we have abandoned the high road and indulged in the feel-good pop psychology of the last decade. Mistaking fun for happiness, we have set ourselves up for "short-term thrills and long-term agony."

"How could you do that?!" she asks. In this wise and witty book, she topples the lame excuses we try to make when we do the wrong thing. Americans know what the right thing to do is, she asserts. We just try to take the easy way out. In seven chapters, she challenges us to find our Character, Conscience, Courage, Self-respect, Morals, Integrity and Principles by discussing such issues as love versus lust, irresponsible parenting and the mindless pursuit of happiness at the expense of others. Her message is simple: If we discipline ourselves and accept responsibility for our actions, we will ultimately enjoy a life of richer quality and greater satisfaction.

Written in her unmistakably lively and outspoken style, How Could You Do That?! is a refreshing, and sometimes tough argument for the need for values and character. "Get a grip," says Dr. Laura, "it's time to grow up."

Lepas dari Penjara PIkiran - Alex Pattakos

Mudah2an buku ini oke, saya baca beberapa halaman terakhir (lho?) yang pasti ada prakata dari Stephen R Covey yang ternyata deket juga sama Viktor Frankl salah satu inspirator Alex Pattakos dalam buku ini.

Ringkasan Buku Lepas dari Penjara Pikiran dari

Mengapa sejumlah orang sepertinya bisa lebih mudah menangani situasi-situasi yang kompleks dan menantang dibandingkan dengan yang lain? Mengapa sejumlah orang lebih mampu menghadapi tantangan dibandingkan dengan yang lain?

Diterapkan, untuk pertama kalinya di Inggris, sistem terapis yang diciptakan psikiater sekaligus filosof yang memiliki reputasi internasional, Viktor E. Frankl ini mengulas cara menciptakan makna dan kepuasan pribadi di dalam pekerjaan dan kehidupan sehari-hari Anda, dan meraih potensi tertinggi Anda!

Buku karya psikiater dengan reputasi dunia Viktor Frankl berjudul Man Search for Meaning merupakan buku terpenting di jaman modern. Buku, yang oleh Library of Congress disebut-sebut sebagai satu dari sepuluh buku yang paling berpengaruh di abad XX dan mengisahkan kehidupan pribadi Frankl dalam upayanya mencari alasan hidup di tengah situasi yang mencekam – kamp-kamp konsentrasi NAZI – ini telah menginsipirasi jutaan orang.

Di dalam bukunya Prisoners of Our Thoughts, Alex Pattakos – seorang murid yang sejak lama memelajari pemikiran-pemikiran Frankl, dan yang didorong olehnya untuk menulis buku ini – menunjukkan bagaimana pemikiran Frankl bisa membantu para pembaca menemukan makna di dalam kehidupan kerja sehari-hari mereka.

Disusun berdasarkan konsep karya-karya Dr. Frankl (dia menulis lebih dari 30 buku), Pattakos mengupas secara terperinci, tujuh ‘Prinsip Inti’ yang dia sarikan dari karya Dr. Frankl: (1) pilih perilaku Anda apa pun situasi yang dihadapi; (2) berkomitmen pada sasaran-sasaran dan nilai-nilai yang bermakna; (3) temukan makna dalam setiap momentum kehidupan; (4) belajarlah melihat bagaimana Anda bekerja melawan diri sendiri; (5) amati diri Anda dari kejauhan untuk memperoleh wawasan dan sudut pandang, sekaligus untuk menertawakan diri sendiri; (6) alihkan fokus perhatian Anda saat menghadapi situasi-situasi sulit; dan (7) menjangkau keluar dari diri Anda dan buatlah perbedaan di dalam dunia. Melalui sejumlah cerita, contoh, dan latihan yang merangsang pikiran, Pattakos menerapkan masing-masing prinsip tersebut ke dalam berbagai situasi kerja, sehingga para pembaca bisa memahami langsung prinsip-prinsip tersebut sekaligus memplajari, kapan dan bagaimana menerapkannya.

Dengan mengetengahkan dan memperkenalkan kepada pembaca yang luas karya Dr. Frankl sebagai bahan acuan dasar, Prisoners of Our Thoughts membuka banyak peluang baru untuk menemukan makna pribadi melalui pekerjaan dan untuk menjalani hidup yang otentik.

Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl (still in my wish list)

Here is a review of a very interesting book written by Viktor Frankl.. i picked up from pak Google.
Link :

Man's Search for Meaning

This classic by the great Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl could be described as one of the most important popular books of the 20th century. It has an extraordinary message about the meaning of life and its psychological importance.

The first part of Man's Search for Meaning, a book which now has sold more than 12 million copies worldwide, was originally published in German in 1946. It's Frankl's autobiographical account of his experiences of his three years in Auschwitz, Dachau and other concentrations camps, between 1942 and 1945. This part, along with a brief theoretical section, appeared in English in 1959 as From Death-Camp to Existentialism. The second part of the book is a synopsis of logotherapy, the major system of existential psychotherapy and psychology that Frankl went on to develop. The present edition, the sixth in English, includes a new foreword by the emeritus rabbi Harold S. Kushner, as well as a new biographical afterword by the philosopher, lawyer and psychoanalyst William J. Winslade.

The book's first autobiographical part provides unique and strong evidence for some of the principles of logotherapy summarized in Part II (this ranges from very philosophical ideas, such as the meaning of life, to descriptions of psychotherapeutic techniques, such as 'paradoxical intention'). This second part, which includes a paragraph for each of the important notions and principles of logotherapy, is highly condensed. Little wonder since it attempts to convey in a short space what required twenty volumes in German.

The autobiographical part isn't for the faint-hearted. For those who weren't sent to the gas chambers at the initial selection, the conditions in the camp were both physically and mentally extremely harsh. I shall only mention a fraction of them here. The prisoners faced horrible undernourishment whilst having to do hard manual labor for 12 hours a day. In winter, this would mostly be in sub-zero temperatures, yet they didn't have any winter clothes. They were threatened by death daily and hourly. And they had no news of their loved ones, who had either been sent to another camp or gassed immediately. (Frankl's parents, brother and pregnant wife all lost their lives.) As you would expect, the survival rate was very low -- only 1 in 28 survived, Frankl claims.

A lot of luck was required to survive. You had to avoid random killings. You had to avoid being selected for a work party with particularly hard labor or a particularly nasty foreman or Capo. You had to avoid getting frostbite in addition to the usual sores and abrasions. And similarly in countless of other cases.

But even with such luck, how did anyone manage to survive? It's here that Frankl's philosophy of life and human beings comes in -- in three stages. Firstly, Frankl often uses a quotation from Nietzsche: 'He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how.' I suggest we call this view (1) 'Nietzsche's thesis of existential endurance'. Having this 'why', a 'why' for one's existence, is having meaning in one's life. Secondly, the drive towards having meaning in one's life, the will to meaning, as he calls it, is the primary motivation in humans. (Correspondingly, the frustration of it, 'existential frustration', is in his view the main cause of neuroses and psychiatric problems.) Evidence for this claim is indicated both by the camp experience and by several empirical studies mentioned in Part II of the book. I suggest we call this view (2) the 'primacy of the will to meaning'.

Thirdly, Frankl maintains that there are three sources of meaning. The first is love. This is exemplified strongly by the experiences in the camp. In Frankl's own case, it's clear that he refers to the relationships with the ones closest to him, and in particular his love for his wife. Frankl mentions other examples of prisoners who, he claims, were able to survive the extreme conditions because of their connection to a loved one.

The second source of meaning is work. This too is exemplified strongly by Frankl's own experience as a prisoner. He had brought the manuscript for his first book on logotherapy, but one of the guards confiscated it. Not only did this give him the chance of a very concrete meaningful activity (e.g. when in a camp in Bavaria he fell ill with typhus, he jotted down on little scraps of paper notes intended to enable him to rewrite the manuscript should he live to the day of liberation). It also gave him a 'why' for his existence.

Accordingly, Frankl summarizes the status of love and work as sources of meaning like this: 'A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to throw away his life. He knows the "why" for his existence, and will be able to bear almost any "how".'

It's hardly unusual to claim that love and work are important to meaning. However, it's with the third source of meaning that Frankl becomes remarkable. This source is suffering. (Frankl stresses that he's talking about unavoidable suffering; suffering that is avoidable is simply masochistic.) There are two reasons why suffering can be a source of meaning. Firstly, because our inner freedom -- our 'spiritual freedom', as Frankl occasionally calls it -- to choose the attitude we have to things is absolute, as it were, we can choose which attitude to take to suffering. Secondly, and closely related to this Stoic view, we can choose to see suffering as our 'task'. This 'task' of suffering, the 'task' of bearing one's cross, enables a human being to suffer 'proudly'. Frankl quotes Dostoevski: 'There is only one thing that I dread: not to be worthy of my sufferings.' Further, it enables a human being to make suffering into 'an achievement' -- which 'transforms a personal tragedy into a triumph'.

The significance of this third source of meaning was also exemplified in abundance by the camp prisoners. Of course, they suffered immensely, and they could do nothing to avoid it. But what they could do was to use their 'spiritual freedom' to change their attitude to their suffering so as to make it into a source of meaning. Those who didn't do this (and didn't have either of the two other sources of meaning) would give up and become moribund: remaining in their bunks, lying in their own urine and excreta, disobeying all orders to get up, smoking their last cigarette, waiting for death.

I suggest we call Frankl's view on what provides meaning (3) the 'triadic source of meaning'. The conjunction of this with the two other main theses of Frankl's philosophy of life and human beings, i.e. (1) Nietzsche's thesis of existential endurance and (2) the primacy of the will to meaning, is the central message of Man's Search for Meaning. This isn't something Frankl himself maintains explicitly, and there's of course an element of interpretation to it (especially so, as the book generally is loosely structured and uses very informal language). But I believe it's well supported by a careful reading.

Harold S. Kushner, the author of the book's foreword, is a man whose life, sadly, has put him in a position that one would think should increase the chance of appreciating the book fully: he's been struggling to understand the illness and death of his son. However, he finds it significant that whereas the foreword to the 1962 edition was written by a prominent psychologist, Gordon Allport, the present foreword is written by a 'clergyman', as he calls himself: 'We have come to recognize that this is a profoundly religious book.'

I couldn't disagree more. Frankl was deeply religious and this is shown at many points in the book. But what in my view is the book's central message -- to repeat, the conjunction of (1) to (3) above -- clearly neither mentions nor necessarily implies religiosity in any form. Even if all of Frankl's religious views were removed from the book, its essence would be entirely unaffected.

And it's because of this that I can end with an evaluation which I dare say is a privilege for a reviewer of a book: no human being should fail to read it. Read it -- and hope that, unlike Frankl, you'll never exemplify its message in the extreme.

© 2007 Bo Meinertsen

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jangan Menyerah - D'massiv

tak ada manusia
yang terlahir sempurna
jangan kau sesali
segala yang telah terjadi

kita pasti pernah
dapatkan cobaan yang berat
seakan hidup ini
tak ada artinya lagi

syukuri apa yang ada
hidup adalah anugerah
tetap jalani hidup ini
melakukan yang terbaik

tak ada manusia
yang terlahir sempurna
jangan kau sesali
segala yang telah terjadi

repeat reff1

Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
kebesaran dan kuasanya
bagi hambanya yang sabar
dan tak kenal putus asa

repeat reff1
repeat reff2

It means no one is born perfect, do not regret what was done, we receive massive tests till this life feels has no meaning, but we must greatful for what we have, life is a blessing, walk the road n do our best. God shows HIS greatness and powers to whom has patience and know not of despair...

beautiful isnt it? just enuff to leave yesterday and start over today.. cant just given up with all the test that God sends us.. gotta be strong, dont choose to be a victim, choose to be a player, u'll decide what will be the end of your story.. (padahal aku ngasih tau diriku sendiri, hu hu hu. Semangat!!!)

to download this beautiful song Klik jangan menyerah.mp3
aku pinjam websitenya stafaband he he he ..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hikayat Cinta - Glen Fredly/Dewi Persik

Demi penguasa bumi dan surga
Kau memang indah
Kau getar ke seluruh sukma jiwa
Kau memang indah

Takkan munafik aku sayangku
Bagiku kau arti keindahan


Demi penguasa bumi dan surga
Kau juga indah
Kau bangkitkan gelora api cintaku
Kau memang indah

Dimataku engkaupun sempurna
Isyaratkan kekuatan cinta

Kau kupuja sampai mati kupuja (engkau kupuja)
Kau sayangku
Kau (??) dewa-dewa cintaku (dewa cintaku)
Kau dewiku


This song would make a woman dance exquisitly sexy..... (jangan salah sangka, saya cuma ngutip loh!) he he..
Pengen download lagu ini ? ni dia nih Hikayat Cinta.mp3

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dalam Kelembutan Pagi

dalam kelembutan pagi
buana berseri
di buai bayu dini hari
sejuk di hati

ku sambut pagi sendiri
tanpa kau melati
namun kan ku lupakan dikau
satu denganku

padamu angin ku bertanya
mungkinkah abadi
bahagiaku kini
ku pasrah Illahi

download lagu Dalam Kelembutan Pagi.mp3 by Dhenok Wahyudi

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lagu Gending Sriwijaya - Daerah Palembang Sumatera Selatan

Di kala ku merindukan keluhuran dulu kala
Kutembangkan nyanyi dari lagu Gending Sriwijaya
Dalam seni kunikmati lagi zaman bahagia
Kuciptakan kembali dari kandungan Maha Kala
Sriwijaya dengan Asrama Agung Sang Maha Guru
Tutur sabda Dharmapala Khirti Dharmakhirti
Berkumandang dari puncaknya Seguntang Maha Meru
Menaburkan tuntunan suci Gautama Buddha sakti.

Download Lagu Gending Sriwijaya.mp3 remix (fresh ya?)

Kutipan dari Wikipedia ( :

Gending Sriwijaya merupakan lagu dan tarian tradisional masyarakat Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Melodi lagu Gending Sriwijaya diperdengarkan untuk mengiringi Tari Gending Sriwijaya. Baik lagu maupun tarian ini menggambarkan keluhuran budaya, kejayaan, dan keagungan kemaharajaan Sriwijaya yang pernah berjaya mempersatukan wilayah Barat Nusantara.

Tarian ini digelar untuk menyambut para tamu istimewa yang bekunjung ke daerah tersebut, seperti kepala negara Republik Indonesia, menteri kabinet, kepala negara / pemerintahan negara sahabat, duta-duta besar atau yang dianggap setara dengan itu.

Untuk menyambut para tamu agung itu digelar suatu tarian tradisional yang salah satunya adalah Gending Sriwijaya, tarian ini berasal dari masa kejayaan kemaharajaan Sriwijaya di Kota Palembang yang mencerminkan sikap tuan rumah yang ramah, gembira dan bahagia, tulus dan terbuka terhadap tamu yang istimewa itu.

Tarian Gending Sriwijaya digelarkan 9 penari muda dan cantik-cantik yang berbusana Adat Aesan Gede, Selendang Mantri, paksangkong, Dodot dan Tanggai. Mereka merupakan penari inti yang dikawal dua penari lainnya membawa payung dan tombak. Sedang di belakang sekali adalah penyanyi Gending Sriwijaya. Namun saat ini peran penyanyi dan musik pengiring ini sudah lebih banyak digantikan tape recorder. Dalam bentuk aslinya musik pengiring ini terdiri dari gamelan dan gong. Sedang peran pengawal terkadang ditiadakan, terutama apabila tarian itu dipertunjukkan dalam gedung atau panggung tertutup. Penari paling depan membawa tepak sebagai Sekapur Sirih untuk dipersembahkan kepada tamu istimewa yang datang, diiringi dua penari yang membawa pridon terbuat dari kuningan. Persembahan Sekapur Sirih ini menurut aslinya hanya dilakukan oleh putri raja, sultan, atau bangsawan. Pembawa pridon biasanya adalah sahabat akrab atau inang pengasuh sang putri. Demikianlah pula penari-penari lainnya.

Lagu Sigulempong (daerah Tapanuli)

natinittip sanggar sigule sigule
saibahen huru huruan sigule
sigulempong sigule gule

jolo sinukkun marga sigule sigule
molo sairap hita nadua sigule
sigulempong sigule gule

sirma inang sarge
dasai sirma inang sarge
tarsongoni doho hape pargontingna dauk gale
tarsongoni doho hape pargontingna dauk gale

salendang sapu tangan sigule sigule
diatas ni batu nadua sigule
sigulempong sigule gule

leleng maho ito da sigule sigule
da sai hu pai maina sigule
sigulempong sigule gule

Download lagu Sigulempong.mp3 by Vicky Sianipar

Gugur Bunga - Cipt. Ismail Marzuki

Betapa hatiku takkan rindu
Telah gugur pahlawanku
Betapa hatiku tak akan sedih
Hamba ditinggal sendiri

Siapa kini pelipur lara
Nan setia dan perwira
Siapakah kini pahlawan hati
Pembela bangsa sejati

Reff :
Telah gugur pahlawanku
Tunai sudah janji bakti
Gugur satu tumbuh seribu
Tanah air jaya panti

Gugur bungaku di taman bakti
Di haribaan pertiwi
Harum semerbak menambahkan sari
Tanah air jaya sakti

Download lagu Gugur Bunga.mp3

Tanah Airku - Cipt. Ibu Sud

Tanah Airku -Cipt. Ibu Sud

Tanah airku tidak kulupakan
Kan terkenang selama hidupku
Biarpun saya pergi jauh
Tidak kan hilang dari kalbu
Tanah ku yang kucintai
Engkau kuhargai

Walaupun banyak negri kujalani
Yang masyhur permai dikata orang
Tetapi kampung dan rumahku
Di sanalah kurasa senang
Tanahku tak kulupakan
Engkau kubanggakan

Rayuan Pulau Kelapa - Ismail Marzuki

Tanah airku Indonesia

Negeri elok amat kucinta

Tanah tumpah darahku yang mulia

Yang kupuja sepanjang masa

Tanah airku aman dan makmur

Pulau kelapa yang amat subur

Pulau melati pujaan bangsa

Sejak dulu kala


Melambai lambai

Nyiur di pantai

Berbisik bisik

Raja Kelana

Memuja pulau

Nan indah permai

Tanah Airku


Download Lagu Rayuan Pulau Kelapa.mp3

Saya kutip dari Wikipedia :

Ismail Marzuki (lahir di Kwitang, Senen, Jakarta Pusat, 11 Mei 1914 – meninggal di Kampung Bali, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, 25 Mei 1958 pada umur 44 tahun) adalah salah seorang komponis besar Indonesia. Namanya sekarang diabadikan sebagai suatu pusat seni di Jakarta yaitu Taman Ismali Marzuki(TIM) di kawasan Salemba, Jakarta Pusat.

Ismail Marzuki lahir dan besar di Jakarta dari keluarga Betawi.

Lagu ciptaan karya Ismail Marzuki yang paling populer adalah Rayuan Pulau Kelapa yang digunakan sebagai lagu penutup akhir siaran oleh stasiun TVRI pada masa pemerintahan OrdeBaru.

Ismail Marzuki mendapat anugerah penghormatan pada tahun 1968 dengan dibukanya Taman Ismail Marzuki, sebuah taman dan pusat kebudayaan di daerah Salemba, Jakarta pusat. Pada tahun 2004 dia dinobatkan menjadi salah seorang tokoh pahlawan nasional Indonesia.

Ia sempat mendirikan orkes Empat Sekawan. Selain itu ia dikenal publik ketika mengisi musik dalam film Terang Bulan.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Welcome to Lombok - NTB

Welcome to Bandara Selaparang Lombok.
Mau kemana bu? Tanah Abang ?

Waduh Ibu2 bertiga ini, cari siapa bu?

Oleh - Oleh Khas Desa Sade.. harga super miring kalo dibandingin ma yang udah di bandrol di toko2 khusus craft. Asal kita pinter nawar aja, tapi jangan kebangetan, bikin nya aja lama banget, karena ditenun manual pake alat yang khusus..pokoknya bernilai seni dech.. iya kan bu?

Welcome to Desa Sade - Lombok
Begitu masuk ke desa ini, sudah disambut oleh Lumbung Padi yang menjulang seperti ini nih.. katanya rumah yang di depan ini tuh rumah sang kepala suku.
Ini dia article nya.. Desa Sade Suku Sasak

Ahhh... so peace n quiet.. kalo cari serenity ato mo ber solitude ria, ini dia tempat yang perrrfect!. Pantai Kuta Lombok. Tapi begitu ke tempat parkir, mesti sabar dengan penjual oleh2 yang suka agak2 maksa. mereka juga kan mencari nafkah..

THE Best Place I ve ever been...Subhanallah..

Pasir Merica - Pantai Kuta Lombok
Wow.. pasirnya guede guede seperti merica. kalo kita jalan disitu pun harus berhati2, u might get sucked into the water..

Tembikar di Banyumulek
Tembikar atau Gerabahnya keren keren.. aku bawa yang kecil2 sebagai oleh2, kalo yang gede, mana muat di koper? ala Backpacker dong. he he he.
Ternyata tembikar dari lombok dinamai Tembikar sasak.

checkout this article : Lombok Project


I love this beach... ternyata, pantai ini ada sejarahnya juga. Ni saya copy artikel dari :,_Lombok

Pantai Kuta, Lombok adalah tempat wisata di Pulau Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Pantai dengan pasir berwarna putih ini terletak sebuah desa bernama Desa Kuta. Desa Kuta mulai menjadi tempat tujuan wisata yang menarik di Indonesia sejak didirikannya banyak hotel-hotel baru. Selain keindahan alam yang dapat dinikmati di desa ini, satu kali dalam setahun diadakan upacara Sasak di desa ini. Ini adalah upacara Bau Nyale. Dalam upacara ini para pelaut mencari cacing Nyale di laut. Menurut legenda, dahulunya ada seorang putri, bernama Putri Mandalika, yang sangat cantik, banyak pangeran dan pemuda yang ingin menikah dengannya. Karena ia tidak dapat mengambil keputusan, maka ia terjun ke air laut. Ia berjanji sebelumnya bahwa ia akan datang kembali satu kali dalam setahun. Rambutnya yang panjang kemudian menjadi cacing Nyale tersebut.

Welcome to Lawang Sewu - Semarang

Welcome to the House of Lawang Sewu.. ini adalah tangga yang berada di lobby utama Gedung ini.. Sejarahnya bisa tanya ke pak Google ajah,..
Liat nih.. the creepy halls of Lawang Sewu.. almost each rooms has doors. thats why they call it Lawang Sewu, katanya siy, pernah dijadikan tempat syuting berbagai film, diantaranya film Ayat Ayat Cinta, untuk adegan di rumah sakit.
Katanya siy, ini the best seafood resto in Semarang. Ga tau kalo ada tempat lain.. dan nama tempat ini juga saya lupa nih..
Ni dia tempat dari tempat yang paling horror, pernah ada penampakan at the exact spot, Makhluk semacam Kunt******, ketangkep kamera dan tayang di acara Dunia Lain - TransTV.
Kita pun turun kesitu haus menggunakan Sepatu Bot dan senter yang sudah disediakan oleh crew lawang sewu, karena gelap dan tergenang air, kita bayar lagi ama crew untuk sewa bot ma senter. ada satu pintu ke tangga yang menuju "dungeon" nya jaman penjajahan dulu, disana ada kayak kolam kolam petak tempat "menumpuk" jasad2 tawanan, juga ada penjara "jongkok" yang tingginya kurang dari 1 meter, dan katanya tawanan terpaksa jongkok sambil direndam air. bayangin deh. trus, ada penjara berdiri, dan tempat "penjagalan" tawanan.
ini Gedung Lawang Sewu tampak luar.. kita masuk kesitu bayar seikhlasnya sama bapak2 yang jaga di depan.

Mpek mpek Palembang

Welcome to Palembang..
Tempat beli mpek-mpek Khas Palembang di pasar ini nih.. harga OK, rasa juga OK
Pindang Patin khas palembang.. jadi kangen..
ini sambel apa yah ?

Sungai Citarik Sukabumi

Yooo hooo...!!! Rafting di sungai citarik - Sukabumi, berarung jeram yang digawangi sama PT Caldera Indonesia (check aja di websitenya) , ada beberapa paket dari mulai level easy sampai hard (kayak game ajah)?.. coba tebak, ini level berapa ?

A very nice welcome dinner dari penyelenggara acara.. (udara agak dingin bow!)
Potong bebek angsa.. angsa dikuali.. nona minta dansa.. dansa empat kali..
Ber flying fox ria, seru, nyebrang sungai citarik, buat yang takut ketinggian.. pake yang buat anak anak ajah.. (emang ada disono?)

Visit Martapura - lupa tanggalnya

Seorang Ibu penjual ikan kering, dan saya belum tahu namanya apa.. :P
Lontong Sayur ala Banjarmasin.. Enak!
Bebek Panggang ala Banjarmasin.. Yummy... dengan Teh Mawarnya,.. mantap!
Siapa ya, yang mejeng depan kamera ni...?
Tempat ini mungkin tempat favorit cewek2 di Banjarmasin, karena disini dijual beragam batu permata yang cantik cantik. dari mulai Batu kecebong sampe batu giok, semua ada, kombinasi emas berlian juga ada, asal pesan aja ma penjualnya. Kumplit deh!
Saya diberitahu bahwa ini adalah makam orang yang di pertua atau dikeramatkan oleh masyarakat lokal. Serunya, makamnya tidak ditanah, tapi di rawa-rawa.. Jasadnya ditahan oleh kayu yang super kuat (barangkali ada yang tahu namanya? kayu Ulin atau Kayu Besi?) supaya tidak mengambang ke permukaan..